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Image by Tim Johnson

Tree & Nature Communication

Nature speaks to us in many different ways, learn how it's communicating with you.

Learn more in this introductory program

Image by Tj Holowaychuk
Image by Kendal

Become Aware of your Natural Abilities to Communicate with Nature, 

Including Trees, Plants and Rocks


By the end of this workshop, you will...

  • Have the tools and confidence you need to continue your communications with all of  nature

  • Recognize your own experiences and strengths when communicating with nature

  • Gather insights from nature beings which can be life-changing for you and for others

  • Understand how nature communicates on a physical and energetic level

  • Learn how to deeply connect to Mother Gaia for through your heart, hands and feet

  • Know how to ask permission to use their body (example: trees, plants etc.) 

  • Understand why you are drawn to a particular tree, rock or plant in a forest and then what to do next

  • How to recognize and navigate eco grief

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This Workshop Is For You If You Wish To...

  • Learn how to communicate with nature including trees, plants, rocks and other spirits of the land that are calling to you specifically

  • Gain a deeper understanding of the messages coming to you, how to recognize them and what they mean

  • Deepen your relationship to the land in which you live upon

  • Live a more magical life, in-tuned to the rhythms of the earth

  • Receive messages from nature and understand their meaning on a personal level

Through direct guidance from the trees and nature spirits, we will explore how communicating works on an energetic and physical level and get you set up for communication!

What We Will Cover Together

  • You will receive an energetic attunement to connect you with the frequencies of nature

  • Opening meditation with a tree guide

  • Ethics and boundaries when developing a relationship with nature

  • How to interact with nature intentionally

  • How nature communicates physically and energetically

  • Group exercises to get you started during class (I'll have you bring a few items to class for this)

  • Energy healing for you and nature

  • The information nature holds and why it's important to consider in today's world

  • Relationship building, co-creating and physical use of their body

  • Group collaboration with Q & A

  • An invitation to a private community to stay connected and continue exploring

  • Bonus: Take home meditation and workbook

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Fern Leaves

What People Are Chirping About


Hi friend, I'm Kara!

I connect with the consciousness of Earth, animals and Spirit and it is my goal to help YOU do it too, in the most down to earth way.

Communicating with trees and nature literally changed my life and perception of reality. The trees shattered the invisible glass, preventing me from seeing beyond what is perceived as ordinary reality. It is my goal, to help you connect with these ancient beings also.

I will help you deepen your physical and spiritual relationship with animals, nature, the unseen realms, and so much more. 

I approach life through a holistic lens, blending ancient practices with modern sciences, merging the physical with the mystical. This combination creates balanced and harmonious healing and deep connection with all living things. 

To learn more about my journey, wander this way ->

"I very much enjoyed this workshop, Kara's teachings were clear and valuable, I'm looking forward to practicing on my own, I recommend this workshop to anyone interested in the subject. Thank you!"


"I had a powerful experience in the first exercise, I was embracing the mother tree and she started sending me energy, I saw the energy as white beams flowing from the full length of her trunk and spreading all around her and through my body, after a while the energy took on many colors as if it was shining through a prism, it was just wonderful"

"I thought the whole workshop wonderful! While I enjoyed learning and practicing with the group, my profound moment was after the workshop ended and I went outside to connect with the trees on my land. As soon as I stepped outside, I could feel the trees singing! Before the workshop, I would have disregarded this experience, but having a better understanding of how nature communicates, I could recognize this moment for what it was!" J.E.


On Demand, Downloadable and Delivered to your Inbox

Skill Level: Beginner


Cost: $150 USD

What's Included:

  • 2.5 Hour Workshop on Tree Communication

  • 2.5 Hour Workshop on Nature Communication

  • Complimentary Workshop PDF's

  • 2 Workbooks for Continued Learning and Exploring

  • 3 Recorded Meditations

  • Bonus E-Book to Recharge with Earth's Energy

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