Below you will find Channeled Messages from a Spirit of Wildfire Plus a Group Healing Meditation
About a week ago, I looked out my back door and saw a plume of smoke. Immediately I knew, wildfire season had started and this wildfire was, and still is, close enough to make me nervous.
While I regularly connect with fire spirits (dragons, salamanders etc.) I had never thought about connecting with a wildfire spirit specifically. I have heard that storms have a spirit, so why wouldn’t a wildfire? So I gave it a go.
The moment I tuned in, I could feel her essence. She was intense but gentle and willing to talk. I ended up posting a Q & A on my Instagram profile to see what kinds of questions people might have for a wildfire spirit and have an opportunity to learn alongside my community.
I’d like to share that Q & A with you. I personally was very humbled by her responses and am still integrating her messages. I’d love to know your thoughts.
As always, thank you for reading and being here!
Messages from Wildfire

What is your main purpose?
To create change within an ecosystem. To remove what no longer serves. To bring about new life and encourage new growth. I am a cleansing agent, to bring about balance, not destruction. I do not like causing harm, but it is part of the job given. I must remain neutral as I do my work with strength and intention.
How would you like us to respond to your wildness; physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually?
I know I am not a beloved creature and many people hate and fear me, but incorporating the cleansing aspects of the fire element into your overall wellbeing, is an incredibly cleansing way to honor the spirit of fire while honoring your own wildness and ecosystem.
Work with the energies of fire and flame when you are ready to burn away what no longer serves. I don’t ask for forgiveness, but I ask for you to look at your fire and flame within. Honor it. Respect it. Get to know your own divine wildness within your mental, physical and spiritual ecosystem and we, on some levels will become bonded and one, working together in kinship. Respect my wildness as I respect yours. We are more alike than you know.
What are some ways the fire spirit can help us on our healing journey?
Flame is a great cleanser and transmuting agent in the physical and metaphysical worlds. Many beings that cannot be seen with your waking eyes, can help bring many aspects of healing and transmutation once given a chance. That is not my specialty exactly, so invoke the beings who specialize in the healing aspects alongside humanity’s emotions and physicality. I work for the earth goddess specifically but many beings work for humanity in other aspects.
The beings I speak about are within the devic realm-the salamanders, dragons, fire fairies… you can work with many that want to work alongside humanity specifically.
What does it feel like to burn?
Because I am a wildfire specifically, I run as fast as I can, cover as much ground as fast as possible. It is like a race against time to make sure I cover the aspects needing to be covered before I get hampered out. It’s chaotic, fast. I dodge certain components, navigate the terrain quickly, I send my love and gratitude to those who get in my way, try not to look or think too much about anything other than my job, my mission. It’s a bit frantic. Once the race is over, I can settle down and begin the slow burn with embers. That’s when I feel like I can take a moment, look around and sense the changes coming. It’s complicated. I myself do not feel heat or discomfort otherwise, I am basically numb, feeling-less.
Are you angry with humans and their activity?
No. I could not be angry at those learning how to live amongst other beings. I am here solely to help the goddess of earth bring balance and harmony into an ecosystem. When she calls and gives me orders, I go. I do not have discontent with humans, they confuse me with their actions at times, but it is not for me to judge.
Do you tell other beings/plants that you’ll be burning before you reach them?
I do as much as I can to warn everyone that I am coming (there is a sense of sadness here) but I cannot skip a beat and I must act swiftly in a natural and neutral capacity. I scream as loud as I can, send out warning pulses as far out as I can to give all creatures time to escape or escape their physical bodies before I come. The trees escape frantically, the animals run-it’s the worst part of my existence but I must keep my head down and keep going.
The elemental beings, especially the fairies and elves also help to spread the word. They move faster than light and can spread the word more quickly than I can. Those who can’t escape, get picked up and held by the angels, the fairies and other beings. I realize this is why I am considered a villain and at times I dislike when I get called to action. Again, it’s complicated but on a spiritual level, I’m learning a lot and will soon be ready to explore a different type of existence. Maybe I will become water or an actual forest creature. I do not know yet, but I look forward to a reprieve as I’ve been fire for a long, long time and am ready to upgrade spiritually.
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communication + healing, come join us :)