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A Bumblebee's Plea

Writer's picture: Kara DanielsKara Daniels

Updated: Apr 8, 2023

This message comes to us from a queen bee who wanted to share a message for the collective populations of bees, pollinators and wildlife who live among humans.

After her message, you will find:

  • Energetic medicine bees offer humans

  • Fun facts about bumblebees

  • Resources to get you started if you want to garden for wildlife

  • Inspirational pictures from a wildflower garden


A Queen Bee's Plea

We queen bees make our emergence around the first day of spring. We would like to be highlighted in such regards.

We emerge from the ground, slight and unnoticed. We burrow deep in the ground and enjoy the comforts and coziness of the nests but once the ground thaws and we get pulled from our deep slumber, our bodies are invigorated and motivated to move. We are lethargic at first and hungry, oh so hungry. Our first mission is to find sustenance. Sometimes we are successful, sometimes not, in which case we starve to death and wither away… become mere whispers.

Those of us who do survive, find a comfortable home near what we assume will provide us comfort in collaboration with the land and her species of plants. The species that will provide the most sustenance for our young to be successful foragers. You see, we queen bees only emerge for a short time. We feed ourselves, find a new and comfortable home to raise our young and then begin the process of reproduction. We deliver the eggs, hatch them and let the girls, the worker bees, do the dirty work for the greater good of the community. I send the workers out into the world in hopes that I have found the most appropriate place to feed them. It is my duty to find the right place in order to sustain their very lives and the future generations.

It is in the collective despair that I share this message with you today in hopes that I inspire people to take greater care for the natural world. Please do not disturb the ground nests and stop taking away our leaves and cover. We need that to survive. Why must we have manicured gardens? That is not natural. That is not sustainable.

My messages are that of duel forces today…

I ask that if you choose to bring natural items into your outdoor living spaces, please consider those of the wild, those who belong, not those who do not. We cannot feed on those wild things that are not native to our region. This is important to note because we quite literally co-evolved with certain plants that are harder and harder to find.

Can you imagine flying up to a flower that looks like something you’ve used for eons and eons only to find out that there is nothing inside of it? What a waste of energy that is for a being who uses a lot of energy just in mere existence. The hummingbirds too, find a similar story, they fly up to something familiar only to come out empty handed.

It is dire that we reconsider the ways of our current state of being and remember the foraging ways of our ancestors. They didn’t mess with or manipulate nature to be bigger and brighter, no, they accepted what was given to them in great appreciation and worshiped the sustenance that was delivered.

We mere bees, are in dire need for sustenance and greater care of our ecosystems. We truly need those who are connected to the earth to step forward in a more ecologically friendly way.

We co-evolved with plants for a reason, now why mess with a good thing? We do not need bigger and brighter, we need to go back to reality, back to the basics, back to the fundamental place where symbiosis is true in nature. We need to live as one and not fight the natural way of being.

Please...this is my plea.

I speak for not only the bees, but the butterflies, the birds and all living things. Please consider going back to the basics and bringing in real nature, not the bravado and provocative nature. We need your help.

With times changing and the world shifting, now is the time to make shifts yourself. I ask you to consider purchasing native seeds and flowers to help us all in the end. I ask that you see the bigger picture for us all.

I am a mere bumblebee and I speak so humbly to you, humanity. I know my words may fall on deaf ears and might rub one the wrong way, but please hear my call, my plea. Learn more about the bees, the ecosystems in which you inhabit and fight for the changes that need to be changed.

Please stop living against the natural world and instead live within it and become one. Please think of those who work diligently on your behalf, helping to pollinate your crops and please help us. We all work together and help each other out. It is time you take greater care in helping out not only us, but the soils, the water, the plants. We are all collectively sending out our plea. We know spring is around the corner and many things shift and change with human behavior. We ask that you reconsider your methods and begin to take baby steps for coexistence instead of working against the grind.

Last but not least, please consider looking to the sky

and move your gaze slowly down

and see what is around,

all the way back down to your feet.

You see, you are on this earth.

We are no different than each other in the end.

I hope you can see things my way.

That is my dire message for today.


Characteristics and Energetic Medicine Bees Offer

We bumblebees in the collective unit are great family workers. We all work together for the greater good. We work in organized chaos really. Everyone has a job and everyone works very hard. If one would want to reflect up on a bumblebee and inhabit those attributes, then I would say teamwork is of much value and contemplation.

We work as a team, a unit, for the greater good. It is a great attribute to uphold and cherish. That is something you can reflect upon in your daily lives.

Things to contemplate:

How do you move and manipulate scenarios to go your way versus looking at the bigger picture? How can you better incorporate teamwork into your daily lives? That is something I’d consider as you work with a bumblebees’ energy. That and to seriously consider taking a nap amongst the wildflowers.

When we get tired from working all day, we take a rest where we may. Nestled in a flower is the most magnificent place to be and rest. Try it sometime. It’s a glorious thing to behold.

And to remain humble in all of your endeavors. We bumblebees radiate humbleness and we were once called humble bees. I wish we were still called that, as I feel it reflects our demeanor much more.

Please, all invertebrate species wish for more co-creation and co-existence. It is not impossible to change your ways, but it is a slow endeavor and the more we make our plea maybe more will eventually listen.

I am the voice of the collective. While I am currently still in slumber, I will be emerging soon and hope I don’t starve to death. I feel as though I have made a wise choice on behalf of my future family but we shall see in the end.

Where do you live?

I do not inhabit wild spaces, I am in a more domesticated realm. I wish to show those who are interested, the beauty that we behold. I want to inspire curiosity within the observer, I want to let people know we are here and I want to let people know that we are, quite literally the coolest insect to watch. We are gentle in nature, and hold much love, but we do get immersed in our busy work sometimes. Please consider taking a moment to watch a bee go by, ask yourself what it might be like to be a bumblebee. We have much love for humanity but we wish to see faster change.

A bumblebee in my garden visiting a penstemon. Can you see the characteristics in the diagram?

Fun Facts

  • A queen bumblebee emerges from hibernation in spring. Typical nesting sites are old rodent homes, hallow trees, rock walls, old bird nests.

  • A colony of bees includes the queen, drones and worker bees. The queen lays the eggs throughout the spring, summer and fall. The drones are males who fertilize the eggs. The worker bees are made up of all females. Their job is to collect pollen and deliver it to the hive.

  • Bumblebees "buzz pollinate". This is when the bumblebee grabs the pollen producing structure of a flower and vibrates to loosen dislodge the pollen.


Resources for Pollinator Conservation

and Gardening for Wildlife

About Bumblebees

Information about the life-cycle of bumblebees

Xerecs Society for Invertebrate Conservation

The Xerces Society for Invertebrate Conservation is an international nonprofit organization that protects the natural world through the conservation of invertebrates and their habitats.

Research on Roundup + Roundup Alternatives

The National Wildlife Federation Garden for Wildlife

Founded on the belief that everyone can enjoy and protect wildlife where they live, work, learn, play, and worship, the National Wildlife Federation’s Garden for Wildlife programs provide simple steps and resources to create beautiful spaces that make a big impact for local and migratory species, from small window boxes to vast habitat corridors.

National Pollinator Garden Network

(NPGN) is a partnership between conservation organizations, gardening groups, volunteer civic associations and participating federal agencies to inspire people and organizations to create more pollinator habitats.

Favorite Recommended Books to get you Started

New Naturalism

Designing and Planting a Resilient, Ecologically Vibrant Home Garden

by Kelly D. Norris


Design Basics For Creating Beautiful Outdoor Spaces

by Jan Johnsen

Attracting Birds, Butterflies, and Other Backyard Wildlife

by David Mizejewski

Gardening for Butterflies

Robert Michael Pyle


If you want to learn how to communicate with nature and nature beings, please check out this video "How to Talk to Trees & Nature"


Pictures for Inspiration from a Wildflower Garden

Thank you for reading and and being here!

Please feel free to share this with someone who might enjoy the messages and resources.

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