Earth & Spirit Connection 101
​Earth Consciousness Healing
Medicine of the New Earth
Combining the Practical with the Magical
Earth Consciousness Healing is a unique blend of ancient and current methods used to heal and rejuvenate the lands, hearts and homes for all of those who live on this planet.
By utilizing ancient practices of our ancestors, directly communicating with the Guardians the Lands, and working in partnership with all living beings, together, we can create harmony and healing on the land,
and create a better world for all.

Immerse yourself
Work with the Spirits that reside on your land
Awaken to the wisdom of wild and domestic animals
​Learn how nature speaks to you
and through you
Restore harmony and balance
Receive the gifts from Mother Earth

We are going to do this, together
Earth Consciousness Healing will:
Increase the life force energy of your land and home
Remove any negative energies that might be wreaking havoc on you and your pets
Connect to the energy of the land to identify where balance and harmony need to be restored
Align your home with nature's energies
Increase your health, body, mind and spirit
Identify Positive & Negative Energies
Map dowse for geopathic stress, or negative earth energies, on the land and within the property
If companion animals are part of the land and home, they will be consulted for stress points, positive and/or negative spots
Elemental beings will be identified and consulted for other areas of concern that might otherwise go unnoticed
Together, we will coordinate messages and information to understand where the energy needs to shift, be healed, released and or amplified depending on your goals
Step 2: Communicate with the Guardians of the Land for Deeper Perspective
Understand the history of the land and who the guardians are
Step 3: Combine the Practical and Magical for Healing the Land
Through Ceremony
Crystal Healing
Earth Alchemy
Fostering a Deep Connection to Place
Co-Create with all life, seen and unseen
Awaken your intuitive senses​
Enhance the energy of the land and home
Identify power spots to amplify your healing and overall connectedness
Learn to read the consciousness and power of place
Nourish your own connection to space and place

Increase the life force energy of your home and the land you live upon
Reduce and remove negative energies affecting you and your pets
​Amplify positive energies to enhance quality of life and promote healing
Restore harmony and balance

Nature Is Already Working On Our Behalf
It's Time For Us Help
Guardian trees, trees siphoning energy, portals, power spots, ​
Guardians of the landscape
Many landscapes have an overarching spirit, or guardian. Sometimes these are plant or tree spirits, the local rivers and streams, the mountains or sometimes they're human spirits who made it a point to ensure that a landscape is cared for.
The relationship to the land was once all powerful and our ancestors depended upon it for all their needs. Now sadly that has become a thing of the past . It is easy to lose all touch with the earth beneath our feet. Our ancestors had a very different way of relating to the land
Guardians of Place
These were the gods of the local rivers, hills, wells, mountains, who oversaw whole areas of the land. In addition the other spirits, the in-dwelling spirits of trees, the wind and the rain, there were ancestors, spirits of the deep earth, the barrow dwellers, and of course there were also the faeries. Spirits of every kind roam the earth and our interaction and awareness of the beings, their effects upon the world, and ours, are the central work introduced here.
By working together and with the Spirits of the Land we will discover, identify and heal past traumas resulting in a healthier landscape and home environment
Identify types of earth energies and their impact on you and your land/home
Meet the nature spirits residing near you and begin developing a relationship with them
Raise your consciousness and the consciousness of your land
Begin noticing the signs and symbols from nature beings
Develop a deep connection and build a relationship with your landscape
Honor the earth and yourself
Expand your consciousness and awareness to the intricate web of life
Balance and align your home and land with nature's energies
Identify power spots, vortices and portals

The beings upon the land wish to heal the land they live upon. It is through the combined efforts of all involved, human and Earth, elemental and animal, that makes up Earth Consciousness Healing, whether that be through the trees, the seas, the stars and moon, the ancient beings, or the worms and the plants, it is all there,
just waiting for humanity to tune in.